2021 SUGARBEE® & ROCKIT® Apple Display Contest Winners

The long-awaited SugarBee apple season was finally here and we were celebrating the arrival of this customer favorite with a display contest filled with great prizes, great sales potential, and surely, a lot of great fun! Four Seasons Produce partnered with Chelan Fresh to bring you this amazing contest sure to create a buzz in your store and a blastoff in your sales and profits. This year we also threw in the super cool, super crisp Rockit apple into the mix and you, nor your customers will be disappointed with this small apple with a monster crunch! This was a great opportunity to showcase the SugarBee and introduce the Rockit to your customers. Thank you to everyone who participated! Be sure to check out the winners below!
GRAND PRIZE WINNER: Common Market – Frederick, MD
FIRST PLACE: Henning’s Market – Harleysville, PA
SECOND PLACE: Healthy Living Market – Saratoga Springs, NY
THIRD PLACE: Kennie’s Markets – Gettysburg, PA
FIRST PLACE: Monadnock Food Co-op – Keene, NH
SECOND PLACE: Crop’s Fresh Marketplace – Downingtown, PA
THIRD PLACE: Landis Supermarket – Vernville, PA
FIRST PLACE: Takoma Park-Silver Spring Food Co-op – Takoma Park, MD
SECOND PLACE: Brattleboro Food Co-op – Brattleboro, VT
THIRD PLACE: Friendly City Food Co-op – Harrisonburg, VA
Contact your sales rep or merchandiser to find out more information about current and upcoming display contests!