Discover the Flavor of Family Tree Farms

What gets us excited? High quality, flavorful produce… and selling lots of it so customers can enjoy it! That’s why we love Family Tree Farms. Their mission is to “consistently produce, package and market the most flavorful fruit in the world.” How cool is that!Family Tree Farms, based in Reedley, CA, is run by Dave Jackson and his family. They grow Blueberries, Cherries and Apricots for May and June. Peaches, Nectarines, Plums, Plumcots and Apriums are harvested on their ranches throughout the late Spring and Summer. And in the November and December, Family Tree Farms produces some of the best tasting Satsuma Mandarins around! The fruit is marketed in several recognizable labels including the classic “Family Tree Farms” black boxes or tray packs, and the “Great Whites” brand for white flesh peaches and nectarines.
Each summer several lucky Four Seasons Produce associates take customers to visit the produce growing regions of California’s San Joaquin and Salinas Valleys. The Family Tree Farms tours are always a huge highlight! Jackson Family members take us on the “people mover” wagon through the orchards to see the diverse variety of soft fruit being harvested with care. Then Family Tree Farms plant breeders allow their customer guests to taste test dozensof current fruit varieties along with new ones not yet in commercial production to rate their flavor profiles. Delicious work indeed! Finally, we tour their packing house to see how the fruit is graded and packed for shipping. They even let us take a turn on the packing line to see if we can do it – visually size, grade and pack with speed and precision. Inevitably, we are humbled by the proficiency of their packing crews.Four Seasons Produce is proud to offer Family Tree Farms fruit to our retailer and export customers all season long. Keep an eye out for some of their signature items like, Peach Pie Flat Peaches, Rose Apriums, Plumogranate Plumcots, Summer Punch and Flavor Pop Plumcots and many more! Varieties change almost weekly.If you’d like to partner with us on a Family Tree Farms supply program to bring some of the most flavorful fruit in the world to your shoppers, contact your sales rep or merchandiser. Tree Ripe 11-15lb Display Trays, Two-layer Premium 18lb packs and 24-28lb volume filled configurations are available for their soft fruit. Custom retail packs are also available by request. Retailers who want to be known for quality and repeat sales thanks to great tasting fruit – this is for you!Learn more about Family Tree Farms at