2022 Homegrown Organic Farms Grape Display Contest Winners

Extra, extra read, all about!!! Want to hear some really “grape” news? The results are in for our Homegrown Organic Grape Display Contest brought to you by Four Seasons Produce and Homegrown Organic Farms!! This exciting contest was about one of the highest tonnage items in the produce department today: grapes! Fruit quality, color, and flavor were outstanding this year and we were headed full steam into later-season California fruit, which was some of the best-tasting grapes of the season! Thank you to everyone who participated in the contest. Check out some of the winners below!
FIRST PLACE: GreenStar Food Coop – Ithaca, NY
SECOND PLACE: Weaver Markets – Denver, PA
THIRD PLACE: River Valley Co-op – Easthampton, MA